Excerpt from POWER AGENT NEWS – Volume 14 Issue 1


The Motion Picture and Television Industry is definitely a team sport. As actors, writers, directors, producers, casting, managers, and folks on all sides of the camera, we know that to achieve success, each player must play their part-EXCELLENTLY. We search for the finest and most trust worthy in every facet of the industry to ensure our A+ status.

It is no different with our finances. We want to be free to create and do what we do best—and we politely demand this in our Accountants, who become our stars of financial management. We want someone who can not only be savvy about tax preparation and accounting—they have extensive expertise in all facets of business management and growth—and someone who puts the fun back in our financial game, with whom we can build a lasting amicable relationship(cuz, even when the work is hard and our hours are long-it is our passion for what we do that drives us forward)–in short, we are looking for our Academy Award Winner in Accounting and Finance. Is there such an A+ Individual out there?

Enter Barry Peters, founder of Premier Tax & Finance–CPA, E.A.,CGMA(chartered global management accountant), CMA (certified management accountant), and CIA(certified internal auditor); whose resume reads like a Hollywood A Lister. And from taking “Start-ups” to Fortune 500 Status and CFO positions that took companies from 5 mil. to 30 mil in just 2 years; to raising equity financing for four diverse companies, Barry Peters continues to leave his award winning financial mark through his “magical money touch.”

And from Individual and Corporate Tax Preparation, Tax Planning, P&L Manage-ment, Financial Analyses, Internal Controls, Fund Raising, Investor/Bank/Government Relations, Operations/Administrative/Project Management to Policy /Procedure Development, Budget/Forcasting and Contract Negotiations, there is none finer!

“ I have always loved helping people,” shares the very personable Barry Peters. “Financial Security is the #1 stepping stone to piece of mind. I also have a tremendous affinity with creative people and entrepreneurs—being one myself. Having been in Fortune 500 companies, I understand the integral part that team work and clear communications play. I also understand the importance of preserving our clients financial assets, and helping them sensibly grow, while enjoying the excellent lifestyles that they have so very judiciously earned in the Motion Picture and Television Industry. I want to be able to ensure that there is a cash flow that will support them in their “Leaner Years” and retirement.

Our reach is international—at Premier Tax & Finance, we keep ourselves up to date and well versed in national and international tax and business management protocol. Yet, we keep ourselves “boutique,” so that each client gets the individualized attention so pivotal to creating a lasting financial relationship. I am very gratified to have had our firm singled out as the as the Winner of “Best in Thousand Oaks” in the Accounting and Tax Division—our motto is Tax and Accounting Services Done Right, Done for You. Our mascot, my rescue dog, General Beauregard, symbolizes our devotion to our clients and the fact that we “Sniff Out” every legal deduction for our clients.”

You’ve worked so very hard to finally reach the A List in Motion Pictures and Television (or are on the quick climb with a bullet!) Isn’t it time for you to partner with an A+ Individual who can “Play his Part “ in your financial world to keep you in the Fast Lane with no sudden Financial Stops? Contact Premier Tax & Financial (805)880-4202, home of Barry Peters and his Talented Team. You may also give him an email jingle at info@premiertaf.com. And check out his extremely informative website at www.premiertaxandfinance.com. You will be amazed at his extremely flexible hours(Weekends and week nights too) tailored to fit your Industry schedule! You will soon understand why we named Barry Peters one of LA’S TOP 10 ACCOUNTANTS. You, too, will want to make: